Speak to Get Results-Plus

Categories: Leadership, Speaking, Presentation Skills, Marketing, Sales

Formats: Workshop

Description: This two-day workshop is an expanded, hands-on version of the Speak to Get Results workshop. Each participant gains the added benefit of speaking twice on camera, critiqued by instructor(s) and fellow participants. Each participant receives a copy of his or her final presentation to facilitate improvement.

Who Should Attend?  This session is for busy executives and business leaders who have some public speaking experience and must speak in front of groups, sell ideas to others in person or via broadcast interviews. Limited seating.

Objective: To help participants confidently inform, persuade, motivate or influence groups in a variety of settings as needed to improve team development, partnerships, customer service, public relations and or sales.

Topics: You will leave this session equipped to increase your impact when addressing any audience, perform well under pressure, engage a reluctant audience, create compelling content, choose the best delivery methods, and make your unique presentation style work for you.

Length: 2 days

Class Size: 12